Abstract Submission Deadline is: 8 September 2024

Presentation Types
Oral Presentation: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for oral presentation only.
Poster Presentation: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for poster presentation only.

  1. Breast Pathology
  2. Hematopathology
  3. Cytopathology
  4. Uropathology
  5. Neuropathology
  6. Gastrointestinal Pathology
  7. Endocrine Pathology
Abstract Format

Abstracts should be structured in four parts; Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

  • Abstract body (300 words maximum)
  • Keywords (Minimum 1, maximum 3)

The number of authors is limited to 12 per abstract. The presenter will receive all communication related to the abstract.

How to submit your abstract online?

The number of authors is limited to 12 per abstract. The presenter will receive all communication related to the abstract.

First Step-> The presentation type and abstract group should be selected and the Best Abstract Award and Full Text questions should be replied as Yes / No.
Second step -> Please type the author institution(s) here.
Third step -> Please add all authors, select the presenting author and choose the institutions.
Forth step -> The presenting author information should be added if different from the submitter.
Fifth step -> The title of the abstracts should be typed. It shall summarize the content of the abstract and only the very first letter of the title shall be in uppercase.
Sixth step -> The abstract body should be typed and it can be maximum 300 words. The expansion of the abbreviations should be used at first time they appear in the text. The sentences in the text shall be written with uppercase only in very first letter and the rest of the sentence shall be in lowercase except names, abbreviations and etc.
Seventh step -> The keywords shall be minimum 1 and maximum 3. They shall be separated by commas. Please click here to see Recommended Keywords.
Eighth step -> No table and figure are allowed.
Ninth step -> Please type here if you have any additional comments to scientific committee.
Tenth step -> Preview your abstract and submit it for evaluation.

Abstract Evaluation

After the submission period is completed, submitted abstracts will be assessed online by blind evaluation.

By submitting the abstract for IAP Turkish & Arab Divisions Joint Meeting, all authors accept and approve the publication of their abstracts in the congress book.

Abstract Awards

Abstracts evaluated among the ones that applied for Ibn Al-Nafis Award will be awarded.

Registration is Required

Presenter of abstracts accepted oral or poster abstracts are expected to register for the congress for their abstracts being included in the scientific program. The presenters shall cover their registration, accommodation or transportation expenses themselves.

For any technical assistance about abstract submission, please contact the Organizing Secretariat.